After School Care – Aside from attending school, children need opportunities to meet other kids and interact with them to build social skills. Specific programs like the ones here at Playfacto school will positively impact children from a diverse range of backgrounds.
There is a constant struggle of having to prove a certain program’s importance to school administration. Therefore alternative program structures that value enrichment are better suited to and utilized in after-school programming.
After-school programming offers unique opportunities for students to create, explore, and connect that they oftendon’t have access to during their regular school day. In the era of COVID-19, when many schools removed recess, lunch, arts, and physical education from their schedules, going to an after-school program can be life-saving for students. It offers more than just a resting place for a few hours each day; it is a safe and fun place for students to enjoy while their parents are at work.
After School Care like this has been proven to improve academic outcomes. They reduce stress for working families and play a critical role in preparing young people for the future. Youth who participate in after-school programs tend to have fewer behavioral problems, have higher self-efficacy and are better able to manage conflict.
The value of what happens between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM during the school year can have a profoundly positive impact on our children’s lives. As adults and community leaders, we have an opportunity to help children grow no matter where they come from. Let’s make it easier, more affordable, and accessible for parents to connect with the programs both during school year and in the summer, that will help their children discover themselves beyond the walls of the school.
H/T: Gettingsmart
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