Ideal Amount Of Rest Time – Helpful Tips For Your Child

Student Care Singapore – A good night’s sleep helps the body recharge for the day ahead. When it comes to your child, sleep is fundamentally important to their physical and mental health in many ways. How can parents or and student care Singapore teachers advise children on getting enough rest so that their well-being is always taken care of?

Here are some unique tips and tricks to getting your child a good night’s sleep:


Make sleep the number one priority

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Student Care Singapore – Sleep is absolutely integral to your child’s health. Constantly remind them about the importance of getting a good night’s rest and don’t forget to explain the benefits of sleeping well. It’s crucial that you set a good example to them as well. Children model everything we do, and they pick up our habits very quickly – both the good and the not so good ones!

For example: wind down for the evening around the same time as your child. This helps cultivate the importance of rest.


Create a conducive environment for sleep

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When it comes to your child’s bedroom, there are many distractions that might prevent them from getting a good night’s rest such as electronics like phones or laptops. Help make their room feel more comfortable and conducive for sleep. Dim the lights or set the air-conditioner to a particular temperature so it feels nice and cool.

In addition, make sure your child’s bed is not cluttered with anything that might interfere with their sleep. Your child can have a toy or two to sleep with, but all electronics should be switched off promptly for a good night’s sleep before class at their student care Singapore center the next day.


Avoid scheduling too many activities for the day

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Jam-packing your child’s schedule with with too many activities before and after school can be detrimental to your child’s overall health. If your child has to contend with numerous activities throughout every day, they are going to wear out and be unable to get sufficient rest.

Firstly, relax their schedule and focus on prioritising what needs to be done, such as homework and after-school extracurricular activities – your student care Singapore center will help with this.

Subsequently, keep their night schedules as clear as possible to allow your child time to relax and get calm before bed. This also helps ease the stress on their tired minds and bodies – yes, children feel stress too!


Learn to recognise your child’s sleeping problems

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Sometimes, even when you do everything to encourage sleep, your child can suffer from some cerain issues that may interrupt their sleeping patterns. If your child is has difficulties falling asleep, is snoring, has trouble breathing while asleep, or have night terrors and sleepwalking – all concerns that can be debilitating to their well-being), they might likely struggle to make it through the next day during class at their student care Singapore center.

If you notice that your child is not sleeping well due to the such issues, do your research on what could be affecting your little one and consider taking them to a paediatrician who can help provide the best possible care for them.


Talk to your child’s teacher/student care provider

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It’s always a good idea to check in with your child’s primary school or student care Singapore teacher to find out more about how they are doing in class during the day. If your child does not have adequate sleep at night, their performance during the day could be severely affected – they might often feel lethargic and have a poor attention span in class.

Ask your child’s teacher to keep you in the loop regarding your child’s condition in class.


H/T: Healthy Children

Student Care Singapore






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